They wanted our team to improve the current MVP experience through best UX and UI practices by improving visual identity and task flows. The task flow requirements have been developed, with the highest priority being the Teacher view and flows, with a published live platform date of August 2022.
Our team's goal for Digital Leaders Academy is to create a teacher view for the teaching platform that includes features like managing students, student views, locking and unlocking classes and grade books while using research-backed design decisions and best practices.
With 5 amazing designers on the team, we knew we could do some serious work. Our team started scoping the work and time-framed by using a kanban board, then deligated the tasks. The process that we agreed upon was to research then prototype and then test for 3 rounds, with this we got 4 usability tests in and it gave up a lot it iterate upon.
With this being the main focus we decided that we should have a designer focus mainly on the visual parts of it and I had the opportunity to be one of those designers. A teammate and I started with an audit of existing wireframes then from there I created some quick lo-fi wireframes and made a prototype for a usability test. After the test, I took the findings and implemented them into the next iterations. This went on for the rest of the duration of the project until the client handoff.
By creating a high-fidelity prototype, my team and I hope that it will give digital leader academy a product to implement into their live platform launch that will it gives them a foundation to work off of, improve for their need and iterate upon.
For our next steps, the team hope to implement a functional student view and flows, keep in contact with digital leader academy for further improvement and clarifications, and finally conduct more research and testing to add more key feature for teachers.